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Selasa, 03 Februari 2009
What is "Risk Tolerance" Really?
Diposting oleh Irfan Aribowo describes Risk as "the hazard or chance of loss" and Risk Tolerance as "the degree of uncertainty that an investor can handle in regards to a negative change in the value of their portfolio."
What if we combined these two definitions? Then we'd have a definition for risk tolerance that reads like this: "The degree of loss that an investor can handle in regards to a negative change in the value of their portfolio." And, this makes sense to me.
However, when you substitute different meanings, you get confusion which leads to fear; which leads to lack of control; which leads to even more fear and financial decisions based on fear of loss, or worse - desperation. None of these will help either the individual investor or the advisor trying to help the investor, nor the market swings that are so susceptible to investor psychology.
We want to create wealth - not fear. In order to create wealth, you have to have confidence, which comes from a sense of control.
What makes NO sense to me is the tighter and tighter regulations for investment accounts and the continual 'enhancement' of the account opening documents that are intended to help protect the investor and provide an investment advisor with insight into the investor's personal preferences and financial situation. I don't understand why it is so difficult to bring the personal values and priorities into the discussion about investing.
Rather than impersonal phrases that have mixed meanings about risk tolerance and rate of return expectations and 'common financial goals', it seems to me that an investor's key criteria for taking control over their investments while working effectively with an investment advisor isn't a complicated, lengthy and impersonal documentation process, but a better understanding of some key personal preferences in areas such as:
1. Why do I want this investment?
2. What about the investment is attractive to me and why?
3. What criteria am I relying on to make my investment decision?
4. When will I get out of this investment - price, timeframe, fundamental changes to the investment itself?
5. How will I monitor it?
6. What amount of my total investment am I really prepared to lose?
7. What is the impact of that loss to my life?
8. Who is helping me make the decision to buy, to monitor the investment and the decision to sell?
9. What about this relationship is appealing to me and why?
10. What is their responsibility and what is my responsibility in the process?
To understand risk tolerance, you have to understand yourself. By doing so, you learn to take control of what might otherwise seem uncontrollable. If you know that you are relying on the advice of your advisor as your primary decision making criteria for buying, holding and selling investments then you have to take control of what you can, a key component being your comfort level with loss. This is the amount of money you could conceivably lose before your life would be affected either because the loss forced you to alter your lifestyle negatively, or because you couldn't sleep worrying about what you should do.
This means that if you answered the question about risk tolerance and described yourself as a moderate investor, then this would likely be interpreted to mean that you could withstand a 15-25% drop in your portfolio value - meaning you have said that 'the degree of loss you can handle in regards to a negative change in the value of your portfolio' is 15-25%; meaning that if your portfolio (or individual investment if that's what you're looking at) dropped below that stated figure, you have already predetermined this to be the maximum you could comfortably lose.
Your stated risk tolerance is really your predetermined exit plan for your investment. When you were in an unemotional state, you made a decision about when you would sell your investment. This means that if you're at that point now and questioning what to do, the way to take back control of your money in a market that doesn't seem very controllable to the average investor is to:
� First, revisit your account opening documentation for your risk tolerance (a.k.a. exit plan).
� Second, if you're not there yet, then sit tight and revisit the consequences and plan with your investment advisor - see if there's a better fit for your current situation.
� Third, if you are at or below your tolerance point, then why are you still hanging on? Are you just afraid to take a loss? Are you holding on 'until it comes back'? Remember, there are opportunity costs to doing something as well as not doing something, and perhaps you need to consider some other options given the current economy? If the basis for the investment is still sound then was that one of your original criteria for determining when you would sell? Likely, not for most investors, so what you have to work with is what you can be in control of and that is price and your personal comfort level with loss.
� Fourth, shift your focus away from the percentage of loss, or actual dollar figure lost and instead relate everything to its relationship to income, both your current income and your income for tomorrow.
I've used this example before, and will again, because it says a lot for the importance of these concepts in real dollars and cents: If you invested $100k and said you have a 10% risk tolerance, you have said that if your $100k dropped in value to $90k, you would sell because you were not comfortable losing more than $10k. A critical figure in assessing this is to also understand that the $100k portfolio invested at 8% for 20 years would provide a monthly income of $836.44. And the $90k portfolio invested the same way would provide $752.80 per month. The difference between the two portfolios is $83.64.
So my questions to you as it relates to determining risk tolerance are these: What is 'the degree of loss (as it relates to income) can you handle in regards to a negative change in the value of your portfolio?' Or, what is the impact of that $83.64 and where else can you find that money?"
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What if we combined these two definitions? Then we'd have a definition for risk tolerance that reads like this: "The degree of loss that an investor can handle in regards to a negative change in the value of their portfolio." And, this makes sense to me.
However, when you substitute different meanings, you get confusion which leads to fear; which leads to lack of control; which leads to even more fear and financial decisions based on fear of loss, or worse - desperation. None of these will help either the individual investor or the advisor trying to help the investor, nor the market swings that are so susceptible to investor psychology.
We want to create wealth - not fear. In order to create wealth, you have to have confidence, which comes from a sense of control.
What makes NO sense to me is the tighter and tighter regulations for investment accounts and the continual 'enhancement' of the account opening documents that are intended to help protect the investor and provide an investment advisor with insight into the investor's personal preferences and financial situation. I don't understand why it is so difficult to bring the personal values and priorities into the discussion about investing.
Rather than impersonal phrases that have mixed meanings about risk tolerance and rate of return expectations and 'common financial goals', it seems to me that an investor's key criteria for taking control over their investments while working effectively with an investment advisor isn't a complicated, lengthy and impersonal documentation process, but a better understanding of some key personal preferences in areas such as:
1. Why do I want this investment?
2. What about the investment is attractive to me and why?
3. What criteria am I relying on to make my investment decision?
4. When will I get out of this investment - price, timeframe, fundamental changes to the investment itself?
5. How will I monitor it?
6. What amount of my total investment am I really prepared to lose?
7. What is the impact of that loss to my life?
8. Who is helping me make the decision to buy, to monitor the investment and the decision to sell?
9. What about this relationship is appealing to me and why?
10. What is their responsibility and what is my responsibility in the process?
To understand risk tolerance, you have to understand yourself. By doing so, you learn to take control of what might otherwise seem uncontrollable. If you know that you are relying on the advice of your advisor as your primary decision making criteria for buying, holding and selling investments then you have to take control of what you can, a key component being your comfort level with loss. This is the amount of money you could conceivably lose before your life would be affected either because the loss forced you to alter your lifestyle negatively, or because you couldn't sleep worrying about what you should do.
This means that if you answered the question about risk tolerance and described yourself as a moderate investor, then this would likely be interpreted to mean that you could withstand a 15-25% drop in your portfolio value - meaning you have said that 'the degree of loss you can handle in regards to a negative change in the value of your portfolio' is 15-25%; meaning that if your portfolio (or individual investment if that's what you're looking at) dropped below that stated figure, you have already predetermined this to be the maximum you could comfortably lose.
Your stated risk tolerance is really your predetermined exit plan for your investment. When you were in an unemotional state, you made a decision about when you would sell your investment. This means that if you're at that point now and questioning what to do, the way to take back control of your money in a market that doesn't seem very controllable to the average investor is to:
� First, revisit your account opening documentation for your risk tolerance (a.k.a. exit plan).
� Second, if you're not there yet, then sit tight and revisit the consequences and plan with your investment advisor - see if there's a better fit for your current situation.
� Third, if you are at or below your tolerance point, then why are you still hanging on? Are you just afraid to take a loss? Are you holding on 'until it comes back'? Remember, there are opportunity costs to doing something as well as not doing something, and perhaps you need to consider some other options given the current economy? If the basis for the investment is still sound then was that one of your original criteria for determining when you would sell? Likely, not for most investors, so what you have to work with is what you can be in control of and that is price and your personal comfort level with loss.
� Fourth, shift your focus away from the percentage of loss, or actual dollar figure lost and instead relate everything to its relationship to income, both your current income and your income for tomorrow.
I've used this example before, and will again, because it says a lot for the importance of these concepts in real dollars and cents: If you invested $100k and said you have a 10% risk tolerance, you have said that if your $100k dropped in value to $90k, you would sell because you were not comfortable losing more than $10k. A critical figure in assessing this is to also understand that the $100k portfolio invested at 8% for 20 years would provide a monthly income of $836.44. And the $90k portfolio invested the same way would provide $752.80 per month. The difference between the two portfolios is $83.64.
So my questions to you as it relates to determining risk tolerance are these: What is 'the degree of loss (as it relates to income) can you handle in regards to a negative change in the value of your portfolio?' Or, what is the impact of that $83.64 and where else can you find that money?"
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10 Things to Make a Meeting Exciting
Diposting oleh Irfan Aribowo
The boss walks in your office and casually asks you to increase sales by 20% and he has given you three days to complete the task. You are a little surprised by the request but you gladly accept the assignment. Before he leaves your office he asks you to cut the cost of doing business by 30%. He has kindly given you five days to complete the task. Some may be horrified by the assignments but you smile and tell your boss you will give it your best effort. Later in the day, he walks back in your office and says something that�s frightening. You begin to sweat. He has asked you to do something that�s almost impossible. He has asked you to make the next company meeting exciting. He can hear you gasping. You want to scream �Please give this assignment to someone else.� You want to shout �That�s an out of this world task.� You calm down, find some courage and boldly take the assignment. You can�t think small. Handing out hats won�t be sufficient. Telling a cute story won�t be enough. Here are 10 things you can do to keep a meeting exciting:
1. Announce to the group that during the meeting you will be mentioning three things that are not true. Inform the attendees the untrue remarks might be personal or about business. The people who come up with the three incorrect comments partake in a raffle and the winner receives a free dinner for two at a posh restaurant or perhaps they get Friday off with pay. People will be intently listening and it will add some fun to the meeting.
2. Have the CEO of the company enter the meeting and gladly refill coffee cups and water glasses. Perhaps he�s wearing a tuxedo. He offers people a pillow for their chairs. The CEO provides tasty snack to the attendees. He passes out teddy bears to everyone. The CEO enters the meeting several times and doesn�t say a word. This will create anticipation and smiles.
3. Hire a temporary employee to bring in numerous boxes, one at a time and stack them in a corner. If someone gets curious and asks you what�s in the boxes tell him you can�t talk about it until the meeting is over. Have the temporary employee shake his head as he leaves the room and ask you �Are you sure you want these boxes in here?� Contemplate for a little bit and say �I think so.� For added excitement have an alarm go off in one of the boxes. Get up, grab the alarm clock and without people noticing, set it ring in 10 minutes. Repeat the process several times. At the end of the meeting open the boxes and pull out some tasty snacks or gift certificates for the attendees.
4. Have an employee occasionally enter the meeting room and ask you �Have you told them yet?� Answer �No I have not.� This will make the employees curious and alert. Each time he walks in the room he wears a different color tie. At the end of the meeting ask the employees to write down the colors of ties he wore. The people who correctly write down the colors of ties win a prize.
5. Throughout the meeting ask everyone to perform an outrageous task that must be completed by the next meeting. For example, ask the manager of the advertising department to obtain free advertising for the company on national television. If they respond in disbelief simply say �You heard me.� Everyone will wonder what outrageous assignment will be tossed their way during the meeting and the anticipation will add some excitement to the meeting.
6. Hire a comedian to sit in the meeting and take notes. Frequently ask him to repeat comments that the attendees have made. Have him intentionally misquote them. The incorrect quotes cause the attendees to seem arrogant, rude, silly, selfish etc. For example, �My intelligence is simply astonishing.� Have the comedian misquote a response a timid employee made to one of your comments, �Boss, that�s outrageous and I simply won�t allow it.� Smile and the group will laugh.
7. Hire a singer to attend the meeting. Inform the group the new employee was highly recommended by an employment agency and will be a great asset to the company. Whenever you ask him questions he responds by singing answers in different music styles; perhaps with a country music slant or hip hop. Simply shake your head after he sings.
8. Have an artist sit in the room and make caricature portraits of attendees of the meeting. Keeping the portraits a mystery until the end of the meeting will add some excitement. Let the employees place their portrait in their office or take it home to show their family and friends.
9. Inform the attendees there will be a quiz on the content of the meeting. The person who has the most correct answers wins a desirable prize. The employees will be paying more attention during the meeting.
10. Without informing the attendees of the upcoming quiz, sprinkle famous quotes from movies into the meeting. Place the quotes in awkward situations in order to make the employees curious about the use of the movie quotes. Whoever writes down the most quotes that are accompanied by the correct movie wins a prize.
Don�t just have a goal to make the meeting interesting or appealing; make the meeting exciting. The employees will appreciate your effort and it will create a wonderful rapport with the employees. Be innovative once in awhile and you will have a happier office.
Many of these tips can work well for face to face meetings and even Web conferencing meetings. If you are planning an audio only teleconference meeting Numbers 1, 4, 5, 9, and even 10 will spice up your conference calls. It�s time to get creative with your own meetings and �think outside the box� when it comes to keeping your meetings exciting!
Get more information for a conference call or about video conferencing services from Amy Linley at
10 Things to Make a Meeting Exciting Read More......
1. Announce to the group that during the meeting you will be mentioning three things that are not true. Inform the attendees the untrue remarks might be personal or about business. The people who come up with the three incorrect comments partake in a raffle and the winner receives a free dinner for two at a posh restaurant or perhaps they get Friday off with pay. People will be intently listening and it will add some fun to the meeting.
2. Have the CEO of the company enter the meeting and gladly refill coffee cups and water glasses. Perhaps he�s wearing a tuxedo. He offers people a pillow for their chairs. The CEO provides tasty snack to the attendees. He passes out teddy bears to everyone. The CEO enters the meeting several times and doesn�t say a word. This will create anticipation and smiles.
3. Hire a temporary employee to bring in numerous boxes, one at a time and stack them in a corner. If someone gets curious and asks you what�s in the boxes tell him you can�t talk about it until the meeting is over. Have the temporary employee shake his head as he leaves the room and ask you �Are you sure you want these boxes in here?� Contemplate for a little bit and say �I think so.� For added excitement have an alarm go off in one of the boxes. Get up, grab the alarm clock and without people noticing, set it ring in 10 minutes. Repeat the process several times. At the end of the meeting open the boxes and pull out some tasty snacks or gift certificates for the attendees.
4. Have an employee occasionally enter the meeting room and ask you �Have you told them yet?� Answer �No I have not.� This will make the employees curious and alert. Each time he walks in the room he wears a different color tie. At the end of the meeting ask the employees to write down the colors of ties he wore. The people who correctly write down the colors of ties win a prize.
5. Throughout the meeting ask everyone to perform an outrageous task that must be completed by the next meeting. For example, ask the manager of the advertising department to obtain free advertising for the company on national television. If they respond in disbelief simply say �You heard me.� Everyone will wonder what outrageous assignment will be tossed their way during the meeting and the anticipation will add some excitement to the meeting.
6. Hire a comedian to sit in the meeting and take notes. Frequently ask him to repeat comments that the attendees have made. Have him intentionally misquote them. The incorrect quotes cause the attendees to seem arrogant, rude, silly, selfish etc. For example, �My intelligence is simply astonishing.� Have the comedian misquote a response a timid employee made to one of your comments, �Boss, that�s outrageous and I simply won�t allow it.� Smile and the group will laugh.
7. Hire a singer to attend the meeting. Inform the group the new employee was highly recommended by an employment agency and will be a great asset to the company. Whenever you ask him questions he responds by singing answers in different music styles; perhaps with a country music slant or hip hop. Simply shake your head after he sings.
8. Have an artist sit in the room and make caricature portraits of attendees of the meeting. Keeping the portraits a mystery until the end of the meeting will add some excitement. Let the employees place their portrait in their office or take it home to show their family and friends.
9. Inform the attendees there will be a quiz on the content of the meeting. The person who has the most correct answers wins a desirable prize. The employees will be paying more attention during the meeting.
10. Without informing the attendees of the upcoming quiz, sprinkle famous quotes from movies into the meeting. Place the quotes in awkward situations in order to make the employees curious about the use of the movie quotes. Whoever writes down the most quotes that are accompanied by the correct movie wins a prize.
Don�t just have a goal to make the meeting interesting or appealing; make the meeting exciting. The employees will appreciate your effort and it will create a wonderful rapport with the employees. Be innovative once in awhile and you will have a happier office.
Many of these tips can work well for face to face meetings and even Web conferencing meetings. If you are planning an audio only teleconference meeting Numbers 1, 4, 5, 9, and even 10 will spice up your conference calls. It�s time to get creative with your own meetings and �think outside the box� when it comes to keeping your meetings exciting!
Get more information for a conference call or about video conferencing services from Amy Linley at
10 Things to Make a Meeting Exciting Read More......
Senin, 02 Februari 2009
Diposting oleh
Irfan Aribowo
WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza)
(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
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(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
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